Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

Apr 29, 2009

Turn up your Hamm Radios...

Really? 55 in the left lane?

Thank you so much for all those people out there that drive the actual speed limit here in the Chicagoland area. If I only had the courtesy to do the same.

I also applaud all of you that drive 55, even in the left lane. Although, I must also protest. There are some of us out there, that are not on our cell phones working while driving in the car. I would actually like to use the left lane for passing, and traveling a little faster, so that I can get to the office in a timely fashion to begin my work day. Those of you that choose to begin your work day in the car, please proceed to the right lanes of the tollway, where the slower traffic is. I'm tired of seeing you swerve in and out of your lane, because you are not paying attention. You are slowing down those of us that ARE paying attention.

I know it's no excuse that I was running late this morning (even though I make my own hours...) But sometimes you just have to get things off your chest... So attention all of you that fall into the categories above. Along with all of those that are doing their makeup in the car, messing with their GPS, out of towners (yes, you are very frustrating to Chicago drivers), and UPS trucks. Get out of the way please!! I don't care how slow you want to drive, just please GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE!!

And thanks! I'll be leaving around 530pm today, if you all want to make a note of it. :)

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