Of course not, I made that up myself... But maybe you've tried a Soup Wash, and don't even know it yet!
Trying to eat as Organic as we can has managed to be somewhat of a challenge... Our lovely local grocery store has actually been very helpful, in that they are starting to incorporate more and more organic products, everytime I visit. Thanks! I'm sure they are doing it especially for me, as I am probably their #1 organic shopper :)
However, the anti-recipe follower that I am, I'm finding it hard to come up with things to make, while avoiding non-organic products... My solution? The Soup Wash.
Anyone that knows me well or has eaten in my house knows that I will make anything into a soup. I'm a huge soup fan, and I usually get nominated for fruit or soup type products for just about every holiday. Well, I thought I would share my latest craze.. Now, I must warn you, I am no stranger to the 'can'. I actually like many things that come in a can. Green beans, Water chestnuts, Diced tomotoes, Sweet corn, and my ever favorite Tomato Bisque Soup. (all organic of course).
I try and have at least one night of the week to do something light, like soup and bread side, sometimes my ever favorite oyster crackers. Lately, with schedules filling up (and a minor ache/pain that has landed me on the couch for the past week) I've had to be a little more creative to cater to the ever present "Lack of Time"
So trying to be creative in throwing together quick, ORGANIC (anyone who cooks organic knows that it's alot of work..) meals, in a bind one day I ended up opening up a can of organic mexican soup, pouring it into a strainer, rinsing everything off, tossing with some brown rice, and some mexican seasoning. Hmmm.. Mexican rice in about 12 minutes.. Ok lets try this again. Organic can of vegetable bisque soup, washed, tossed with whole grain pasta, italian seasoning and gruyere cheese. Hmm 8 minutes huh?
Today: Wolfgang Puck's Organic Thick Hearty Vegetable, washed and strained, tossed with organic diced tomatoes, organic canned green beans, organic rustic italian dressing, and slices of mozzarella, chilled for 3 hours, as a side for our organic pesto tortellini and homemade pita chips. 15 minutes huh?
I think I'm on to something! While I love cooking organic and from scratch, it's really hard sometimes to start the preparations 3 hours before dinner time everyday...
Anyone else tried this before? I'd love to swap ideas! :)